• For professional participants the fee is INR 2000/- and for
    students/research scholars the fee is INR 1500/-. Registration
    fee includes Workshop Kit, High Tea, Lunch and ICT facilities.
    Please note that the registration fee once paid is neither
    refundable nor adjustable under any circumstances. However,
    the registered participant may depute any other participant to
    attend the workshop with authorization letter.
  • For offline registration, download and fill the form and send the scanned copy of the registration form along with payment receipt to
  • Only 50 spots are available for registration.


Account Number : 110219328261

                            Account Name : AMUKOHA TWENTYFIVE

       Bank Name : Canara Bank

     Branch Name : AMU Branch

                         IFSC : CNRB0005247

Payment through Demand Draft/Banker’s Cheque in favour of “AMUKOHA TWENTYFIVE” payable at Canara Bank, AMU, Aligarh.